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Player Profile

Die hard fan: Ritanjali.
Eggcrack: November- 29
Happy to be chairperson of 2e3
Die hard fan of liverpool and aspire to be a football player.

Player Likes

favourite movie:santhosh subramaniam and Jeans ROX!! favourite colour:red
coffeeholic,my mum is my best fren and I LUV MY FAMILY
HOBBIES:play soccer,golf,listenin songs


Poorathy | 2E3# | Kassandra-fp | Sherlyn | Yeehong| Sinyi | Onesia | Dati | BiHsin | XinHui | Karthik | Yoges


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February 2010
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

last fri was sec 1 registration,was quite tiring 4 me,walk here n there give out things. aft tat went to compass. Thn mon n tue had rc took rcv,footdrill,evac accreds. HOPEFULLY I PASSED MY RCV BRONZE! I TOT I WULD FAIL BCOZ I DIDN EVEN STUDY 4 IT. i oso passed footdrill and waitin 4 evac results. we oso had APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL 4 CCA CARNIVAL. the sec2 lhav to plan and carry out the plan. ytd the VIs checked n got alot changes to make n alot things to do lyk posters,banner n etc. we hav finish it by nxt mon bcoz cca carnival is on 9 jan. we are crackin our heads to finish, hopefully can finish it by mon. SO GTG!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:39 PM

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

last thur i went to punngol pri sch for 1st aid duty n we were suppose to sit one place for eight hours tats so boring. earlier in the day we thought we are gettin 8 hrs of cip for listenin to songs becoz that was the thing we were doin.then we wished tat some1 shuld get injured juz thn one aft another injuries occured. it was lyk immediately aft 1 injury comes amother,no rest at all. total of 4 casualities. one was worst case, a hockey ball hit a boy's head n there was a cut in his head it was bleeding profusely, i and karthik were doing 1st aid as usual singhui and shijie fighting. mr raj came thn he said thanku for coming n praise us for gd job. finally it finished at 6.30pm be4 we go off the school principal thank us n every1 was clappin for us, it was cool! thn i,singhui,shijie took cab went bac to sch to put bac the 1st aid kit n stretchers. N HERE IS THE BEST PART,I GOT A SOCCER BALL WIF LIVERPOOL LOGO ON IT!!!!!!! N HEARTFELT THANKS TO THOSE WHO WISHED ME 4 MY
stay cool

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:35 PM